NTRO, R&AW allow plenty of orders for frauds who threaten fake cases while domain investors are broke

One of the reasons why Indian websites like worknhire are not able to match Upwork is because indian requesters like Anita are threatening fake cases for extremely flimsy reasons like refusal to work after sending malware, when there is no contract at all
There is also no payment till date. On the other hand, the domain investor has still not recovered the Rs 1.1 lakh looted by google, tata sponsored R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar, who was rewarded with a R&AW job for her crime though she does no work online, does not invest any money online and does not have a btech 1993 ee degree .

The bidder has the right to refuse if their computer is infected with malware due to the files the requester sent, as the losses will be great, however the requester is threatening fake cases, asking the person to speak to the lawyer indicating the mindset of those who are pampered with orders in the indian internet sector.

NTRO, google, tata are harassing harmless small business owners , domain investors saying that they are troublemakers, and refusing to take any action against the troublemakers like Anita sending malware files, threatening fake cases to extort money when there is no contract, and no payment at all

Working with for non Indian websites, no fake cases are filed, Those filing fake cases should be boycoted for harassing people , trying to extort money

Indian intellligence agencies show poor judgement repeatedly resulting in NPAs, bank losses

The media reported that India’s largest bank SBI had posted its largest ever loss, of more than Rs 7000 crore, and this is largely because the indian government is allowing the extremely powerful corrupt dishonest intelligence and security agencies to run amok, harassing harmless hardworking indian citizens to steal their resumes, savings, make their relatives, friends rich and powerful, and allowing defaulter to roam around freely

The total losses of the public sector banks in India are now exceeding Rs 50,000 crore according to media reports, and this is largely because of the inefficiency and incompetence, dishonesty and corruption of the indian intelligence and security agencies . The bank employee sanctioning the loan should be able to judge the repayment ability of the person taking the loan fairly well, however in 2018, the indian government has given great powers and pays a monthly government salary to greedy dishonest liar cheater officials who are poor judges of character and does not penalize for making mistakes which cause the loss of crores of indian tax payer money

For example, the fraud ntro employees like hathwar, kodancha, j srinivasan, puneet, vijay, parmar, patel are given great powers though they are extremely poor judges of character, competence, risk taking ability, allowed to waste crores of rupees of indian tax payer money without being questioned. These ntro employees thought that they could steal the identity of an experienced engineer for their lazy greedy inexperienced relatives and friends, so they subjected the engineer to an identity theft attempt for 7 years, wasting crores of rupees in tax payer money and resources.

After 7 years, it is clear that the relatives and friends of these intelligence employees like nayanshree hathwar are only interested in housekeeping or offering sex services, no one is interested in doing any work online and investing any money online. Why did the powerful cbi, ntro employees not judge the competence and risk taking ability of their lazy greedy cheater liar relatives, friends correctly before they started their great fraud of stealing the identity of an experienced engineer?

Intelligence agencies are supposed to predict the future accurately , however indian intelligence employees appear to be lacking in intelligence

Indian intelligence agencies quick to make fake allegations against harmless citizens, refuse to correct their own mistakes

Indian intelligence agencies are not rated highly worldwide because R&AW,cbi, ntro are quick to make fake allegations against harmless citizens without any proof at all, yet refuse to correct their own mistakes, flaws in the system, though they are obvious for years. For example fake allegations of money laundering were made against the domain investor without any legally valid proof, and a decision to steal her identity within 3 months, in June 2010, after she got a lot of money through Paypal in April, May 2010 from link sales.

After wasting tax payer money for more than 8 years, no legally valid proof has been found, yet the incompetent corrupt indian intelligence agencies refuse to admit their mistake and end their atrocities on the domain investor, in a clear indication of the inefficiency. They also refuse to reverse the identity theft of the domain investor, experienced engineer whose identity has been stolen by 10 google, tata supplied goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds

Led by brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet, parmar, j srinivasan, the ntro employees are involved in a major online, banking., financial fraud, falsely claiming that their favorite goan call girls, frauds are online experts, domain investors, For 8 years, these cunning crooked ntro employees wasted crores of indian tax payer money to defame the domain investor without any proof who they then cheated and exploited

Being ruthless frauds they lack the humanity, honesty and integrity to admit their mistake, and compensate their victim , so if the domain investor has to survive she will have to prove that the cheater liar ntro employees are the greatest frauds in the world, duping people, companies and countries that google, tata supplied goan prostitutes, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time and money online, are online investors, experts

The fraud ntro employees wasting time and tax payer money pampering and promoting goan prostitutes, school dropouts and other frauds, now they are again wasting their time and tax payer money covering up their fraud, and the engineer is also wasting her time and money exposing the fraud to prevent further losses, exploitation . So the ntro, sex, bribery racket, banking fraud, is causes losses and waste all around, clear proof of the inefficiency and incompetence of the indian and goan government.

If the indian government had proper systems, the ntro employees should have never been allowed to get raw/cbi jobs for their girlfriends, relatives, solely based on fake references, stealing the identity of their classmate, who they hated, raw/cbi should have independently checked the resume, skills, experience, savings of the women who got fake references from ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet

Western intelligence agencies are very good at manipulating top indian officials

The decline in the revenues of patanjali exposed the fact, that Western intelligence agencies are very good at manipulating top indian officials, and policy makers, so that they attain their own goals, while the indian officials waste tax payer money and resources.
The US, UK intelligence agencies understand the mindset of indians very well, their weaknesses which they can exploit, while indians lack a similar understanding of their western counterparts, they are often grovelling before the westerners.

For example slim google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AWemployee sex worker sunaina chodan has never done any work online in her life, and is least interested in doing so. However google, cia, nsa wanted to defame the google competitor, so they manipulated top ntro officials like j srinivasan, puneet to abuse their powers and falsely claim that sunaina, the panaji prostitute was working online, and they managed to do so. So though sunaina is only a call girl, she has got great powers at the expense of the google competitor, and is now abusing them to harass the google competior, causing her great losses, increasing the profit of google

It appears that the MNC companies had the person or persons in charge at Patanjali make some incorrect decisions like
– only supplying expensive rice costing more than rs 100 a kg
– advertising extensively when there are few or no retailers
– many products are out of stock at retailers, cheaper products are not easily available
– retailers are not very interested in selling, or are located at hidden locations

When google, could have its lazy mediocre fraud associates hold important jobs in R&AW/cbi with stolen identities of competitors, it must be simple for the MNCs to manipulate the decision makers at patanjali, because the company allegedly took pride in its indian culture.

School dropout gujju housewife cbi employee and goan bhandari R&AW employee battle it out in panaji intelligence agency soap opera

Google, tata masterminded sex, bribery racket, identity theft fraud on a harmless google competitor is becoming a major soap opera in indian intelligence agencies. Now the google competitor whose identity has been stolen is largely out of the picture and now the raw/cbi employees who have stolen the identity are now battling it out in the latest episode of the soap opera in panaji, goa

Google, tata have started the fraud of falsely claiming that women who keep their house and other belongings extremely clean, who have not used the internet, are domain investors, online experts, exploiting the real domain investor owning this website also, and the school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, who looks like actress sneha wagh, is the main beneficiary of this google, tata fraud.

Also the gujju cbi employee fraudster naina and her family have plenty of cash, so they keep purchasing new cars, without making any arrangement for parking their car. So naina is forced to park her car Maruti Wagonr near the house of raw employee sunaina(who looks like mallika sherawat) who has a star gooseberry tree planted near her house. The star gooseberry tree is shedding the leaves frequently and naina’s car parked on the roadside is getting covered by the leaves

This angers the school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina who takes great pride in keeping her house immaculately clean, as she has to clean the car everytime she uses it, so to avoid wasting time cleaning the car, removing the leaves which have fallen on the car, she allegedly used her influence to get the gooseberry tree (amla) tree cut. Cbi employee naina was spotted asking the civic employees to cut more of the plants of R&AW employee sunaina

Since officially only person can claim to have the identity if the google competitor , more updates on the panaji intelligence soap opera, started by google, tata, soon

School dropout gujju housewife cbi employee and goan bhandari R&AW employee battle it out in panaji intelligence agency soap opera

Google, tata masterminded sex, bribery racket, identity theft fraud on a harmless google competitor is becoming a major soap opera in indian intelligence agencies. Now the google competitor whose identity has been stolen is largely out of the picture and now the raw/cbi employees who have stolen the identity are now battling it out in the latest episode of the soap opera in panaji, goa

Google, tata have started the fraud of falsely claiming that women who keep their house and other belongings extremely clean, who have not used the internet, are domain investors, online experts, exploiting the real domain investor owning this website also, and the school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, who looks like actress sneha wagh, is the main beneficiary of this google, tata fraud.

Also the gujju cbi employee fraudster naina and her family have plenty of cash, so they keep purchasing new cars, without making any arrangement for parking their car. So naina is forced to park her car Maruti Wagonr near the house of raw employee sunaina(who looks like mallika sherawat) who has a star gooseberry tree planted near her house. The star gooseberry tree is shedding the leaves frequently and naina’s car parked on the roadside is getting covered by the leaves

This angers the school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina who takes great pride in keeping her house immaculately clean, as she has to clean the car everytime she uses it, so to avoid wasting time cleaning the car, removing the leaves which have fallen on the car, she allegedly used her influence to get the gooseberry tree (amla) tree cut. Cbi employee naina was spotted asking the civic employees to cut more of the plants of R&AW employee sunaina

Since officially only person can claim to have the identity if the google competitor , more updates on the panaji intelligence soap opera, started by google, tata, soon

Indian Intelligence and security agencies are some of the greatest liars in the world

Doing business in goa is very difficult for domain investors, because Intelligence and security agencies in Goa are some of the greatest liars in the world making completely fake claims, after taking bribes from fraud companies like google,tata
Some of the endless lies of the intelligence and security agencies which can be legally proved in the court of law
– indore document robber R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena , living in indore with her family, is looking after her father in goa , when the indore fraud has done nothing for her father since her marriage in 2000 against her fathers wishes
– goan R&AW employees sex workers sunaina, siddhi who are only providing sex services, are working online, owning domain names
– 10 google,tata sponsored raw/cbi employees who never answered JEE, who have never invested any money online, do not have any paypal account, own the domain names, have the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment, own the paypal, bank account of a google competitor, a private citizen
– bengaluru shivalli brahmin raw employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak,who have never done any work online, are working online, when these fraud raw/cbi employees never spent any time doing any work online
– eight standard pass school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, married at the age of 16, and who has never operated a computer in her life, has the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of a single woman engineer, google competitor

Hardworking honest academically brilliant citizens are viciously defamed, cheated and exploited by the indian intelligence and security agencies wasting crores of indian tax payer money, while lazy greedy goan prostitutes, cheater housewives and other frauds are rewarded by google,tata with top intelligence jobs with stolen identities

Intelligence agencies worldwide have noted indian government’s financial,identity theft fraud

Though the goan and indian government may continue with their great fraud of falsely claiming that 10 google,tata supplied goan prostitutes offering SEX services to government employees especially bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, school dropouts, cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, document robbers and other fraud raw/cbi employees who never invested any money online, never made any money online , are online experts , domain investors and experienced engineers, worldwide almost all the intelligence agencies of major countries are aware of the indian government’s financial,identity theft fraud on india’s largest female domain investor, a google competitor and experienced engineer from a top college

The domain investor, google competitor, experienced engineer is doing business with customers and vendors worldwide, and when she complains about identity theft, financial fraud, intelligence agencies worldwide believe in her . It reflects badly on the indian and goan government that one of the largest female domain investors, who is also a very experienced engineer from a top college, has her identity stolen for well connected google,tata sponsored goan prostitutes, school dropouts and other frauds.

In the United states, the government does not steal the identity of engineers from top colleges like MIT, Purdue , only the corrupt indian government is extremely brazen and shameless in stealing the identity of experienced engineers from the best ranked engineering college for google, tata sponsored eighth standard pass school dropout with whom a top government employee is having an extra marital affair, prostitutes, cheater housewives and other frauds who did not answer JEE, did not invest any money in domain names.

Rupee crashes, current account deficit increases as the prostitute, fraud pampering indian intelligence agencies harass indian exporters

The indian government was lucky that the oil prices in the last few years were very low. so the current account deficit of India was manageable,.However in the last year, the oil prices have nearly doubled and slowly the google, tata prostitution, bribery racket, banking , financial fraud is being exposed, as the current account deficit increases
The indian government is now trying to increase exports, and the indian exporters who are actually making money in $ are protesting against the endless frauds, lies and defamation of the indian intelligence and security agencies since 2010., how they are subjected to endless crimes by the google,tata supplied goan sex worker, fraud raw/cbi employees

Bribed by google,tata, the extremely corrupt indian government, security agencies have formulated the policy of falsely claiming that google,tata supplied goan prostitutes having SEX with their employees, frauds, who do not make a single penny from exports, are exporters, to give the prostitute and other frauds faking exports , great powers and a monthly raw/cbi salary since 2010, and continues with this flawed policy, wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money. The security agencies bribed by google,tata are falsely labelling thr real exporter as a security threat without without any legally proof since 2010, and then falsely claiming that the google,tata supplied goan prostitutes, frauds own the bank account of the exporter

Just because the money, sex bribe taking ntro employees are involved in a banking fraud making fake claims, it does does not mean that the goan prostitutes, brahmin cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees , legally own the bank of a private citizen. Bank details, income tax returns will legally prove that theindian and goan government are pampering, rewarding google,tata supplied goan PROSTITUTE, FRAUD raw/cbi employees since 2010 , wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money.

In a clear indication of the corruption, nepotism, incompetence of the indian and goan government, Goan prostitute R&AW employees who do not make a single penny in exports, are considered exporters by goan and indian government, to give them great powers, allowing them to criminally trespass on the homes of the exporters, steal their correspondence, block payment.

indian intelligence agencies destroy the life of intelligent hardworking citizens forcing government to rely on NRIs

The times of india reported how the chief economic advisor of India would be leaving his post, to return to the United States where he was based, and his family is located, Despite having a population of 1.3 billion, not a single indian citizen and resident is capable of being the economic advisor of India, the indian government routinely has to rely on NRIs for senior positions in the government

For example, bribed by google, tata the indian government is falsely claiming that bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi karnataka, wife of a tata power employee,who did not answer JEE, who cheated a single woman engineer , has the impressive resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment, of the engineer she cheated to give the brahmin fraud housewife a senior R&AW position at the expense of the engineer she cheated . In a similar manner there are other google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees with fake resumes , fake experience, fake skills

This is because bribed by google,tata the extremely corrupt indian intelligence and security agencies waste crores of rupees of indian tax payer money to destroy the life of hardworking competent honest citizens, stealing their identity to get google,tata supplied goan prostitutes, school dropouts, cheater housewives and assorted frauds top raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the brilliant citizen, like engineers from top engineering college
The engineer from the top college is then held a virtual prisoner, not allowed to get any paying work, not allowed to interact with others, effectively wasting the engineers life
Though large companies like google,tata may promote their favorite goan sex workers, fraud raw/cbi employees as online experts, domain investors, experienced engineers, these women and men remain only sex workers , well connected frauds who are faking their resumes, skills, experience.,
So then finding that their senior employees with fake resumes are incompetent, the indian government is forced to hire NRIs residing in other countries for senior positions in the government and these senior NRI government employees are unable to remain in India for a longer period of time.