R&AW fails to answer why its favorite fraud employee goan bhandari sunaina chodan can purchase multiple cars, refuses to pay for domains

Top tech and internet companies,indian government agencies have been giving great powers, monthly government salary to their favorite goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, other greedy goan frauds siddhi mandrekar, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, amita patel, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, indore cheater deepika/veena , kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, falsel;y claiming that these fraud raw/cbi employees without any online income, who do not pay expenses are online experts, domain investors
The government agencies are aware that domains are not free, the real domain investor, a private citizen is paying the annual expenses while the shameless fraud raw/cbi employees like goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, haryana cheater ruchita kinge, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel refuse to pay for a single domain, though they have plenty of money for luxury items like expensive cars, Rs 1 lakh monthly vacation
In the last week, reliable sources indicated that the panaji greedy goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan purchased an expensive car with number plate #71, the second car for her family, indicating that she has plenty of money
The indian government agencies especially raw/cbi are openly involved in CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD on private citizens, online investors and workers, when they rob the data of the online investors, workers to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan
When panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan does not purchase domains despite being wealthy enough to purchase multiple cars why are the indian government agencies,tech and internet companies continuing their SEX RACKET, DUPING countries, companies and people with fake stories about raw employee sunaina chodan who is getting a government salary allegedly ONLY because she is the favorite call girl of top government employees like j srinivasan and others from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay