Before commenting on the website content, the indian government, raw/cbi should explain why they are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees especially panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena and other frauds who do not spend any money on domains, do not do any computer work, own this and other websites of a private citizen who is criminally defamed to cover up the financial fraud.
Though the government agencies who are extremely arrogant with big egos continue to label all the content as spam, it appears that others are also fed with the way the indian government agencies are functioning
After the expulsion of raw station chief, pavan kumar rai, canada intelligence head olivier sylvester,Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau mentions that the indian government, intelligence agencies should change the way they function in his interaction with new york times, which was published in newspapers .It is time that the intelligence agencies especially raw/cbi are more professional and stop their financial fraud, government slavery which is obvious to everyone
Month: September 2023
R&AW/cbi’s massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD,government SLAVERY has adversely affected india’s credibility, leading to the canadian crisis
Though extremely corrupt DISHONEST LIAR top raw/cbi/government employees led by brahmin cheater puneet refuse to admit their mistake and continue with their massive massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD,government SLAVERY of falsely claiming that indore’s greedy shameless fraud housewife raw employee deepika/veena, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, haryana human monster ruchita kinge, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not pay any expenses, do not do computer work are online experts, domain investors , it can be easily proved that the indian government employees are liars making fake claims since 2010.
Though R&AW/cbi’s massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD,government SLAVERY can be easily legally proved, the government employees have huge egos and refuse to correct their mistake, destroying the credibility of the government agencies in the process. The endless lies of the government employees may have led to the canadian crisis as countries realize that raw/cbi employees will continue telling lies.