R&AW refuses to answer why its favorite domain fraudster raw employee greedy gujju amita patel can purchase a new office, refuses to purchase even one domain

India’s top domain fraudster thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel opens a new office
though the top indian tech and internet companies are making millions of profit, they are openly involved in massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY online investors, workers falsely claiming that lazy greedy high status goan call girls like panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan, cheater housewives and other other frauds who do not pay expenses, do not do computer work are online experts, domain investors to give them great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

one of greatest beneficiaries of the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD of the LIAR cheater top tech, internet companies is the SHAMELESS GREEDY India’s top domain fraudster thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel with net worth of more than rs 100 crores who has never paid for domains like panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina dho, yet in getting great powers, monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership due to support of LIAR cheater top tech, internet companies , her powerful cheater boyfriends like gujju cheater tushar parekh, bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet who falsely claim that thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel, who never studied engineering was their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay
The brahmin bania cheaters puneet, tushar parekh, HATE their female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, a single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka, domain investor and being extremely GREEDY CUNNING cheaters, these fraud LIAR top government employees are robbing all her data to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends like thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel, to get her lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector in a case of SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD
While the greedy gujju officials continue to support India’s top domain fraudster thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel in her endless frauds, the karnataka officials refuse to question RAW, indian government on the SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, EXTORTION RACKET of India’s top domain fraudster thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel which can be easily proved checking the bank records, pan number of greedy gujju fraud raw employee amita patel.
R&AW, indian government also refuse to answer why their favorite gujju fraud amita patel can afford to purchase a posh new office, cannot purchase the domains legally despite getting great powers, monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership for 11 years
This refusal of the north karnataka officials/leaders to question the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY, CYBERCRIME of India’s top domain fraudster thane greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel on a marathi speaking hardworking single woman engineer,domain investor from north karnataka for more than 11 years, with amita patel cheating the single woman engineer of Rs 15 lakh annually, is the reason why the greedy gujjus are becoming richer with networth of Rs 100 crores, while north karnataka remains one of the poorest regions in the state as the rich and powerful ruthlessly cheat, exploit people from the region.

Panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL spy sunaina chodan deletes instagram account after it is confirmed that she is the SUGAR BABY of top government employees

Usually if a powerful government official is really a friend of a citizen, he or she will usually benefit, getting orders, or better work. yet in one of the greatest online, financial frauds since 2010, cunning cruel powerful cheater top government employees allegedly led by bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet have FAKING FRIENDSHIP with a single woman engineer who they HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME, have never contacted, only because they want to destroy her life completely and rob everything from her to become richer, powerful without being questioned

A single woman professional, investor will get credit for all her achievements, savings, yet in one of the greatest financial frauds of the top government employees they DUPED almost everyone that all the savings of the single woman engineer belonged to them, she was only a proxy for the cheater government employees, when actually there was no connection at all.

The cheater top government employees also then used this fake rumors to get all their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends, lucrative government jobs in the internet sector with the robbed resume, data of the single woman while destroy her reputation, finances completely. Though the single woman engineer was protesting loudly, the cheater government employees, tech and internet companies continued their relationship fraud in the metro city, goa where the relationship fraud was very beneficial for the officials and their relatives

Only at the home town of the domain investor, a few people are trying to verify the relationship whether there is actually any connection, and they have found that the government employees have never contacted the domain investor anytime, though they continue to make fake claims , spread fake rumors so that their lazy greedy girlfriends continue to benefit, get monthly government salaries

Only when the father of the domain investor was seriously ill, some people noticed that the cunning cheater LIAR TOP government employees led by cheater puneet who were FAKING help, friendship for 14 years to cheat, exploit, rob her without being questioned, did not contact her at all, and that they were only FAKING help to rob, cheat, exploit, torture her without getting the necessary legal permissions.

They also realized that panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina was the real sugar baby/girlfriend of top indian government employees, who were abusing their powers to make fake claims about shameless sunaina since 2012, get her great powers, monthly government salary. After their great relationship fraud on the single woman engineer who they HATED was exposed, these cunning cheater top government employees told sunaina to delete her instagram account with her personal information

ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY of domain fraudster raw/cbi employees can be legally proved checking their bank records

top tech and internet companies, government agencies are openly involved in massive FINANCIAL FRAUD on migrant single online workers, investors in india since 2010, criminally defaming them and falsely claiming that the relatives, friends of top governmment employees who do not pay expenses are the online investor to get the relatives, friends of the top government employees lucrative no work, no investment jobs in the indian internet sector
The liar tech, internet companies allegedly led by google, cognizant hysterically making fake black money allegations are aware that domain ownership is not free, annual domain, webhosting fees have to be paid
these cheater companies, government agencies like raw/cbi are also aware that their favorite fraud raw/cbi employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, married to fraud security agency employee CHEATER caro, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, indore cheater deepika/veena, siddhi mandrekar, kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife cbi employee naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree and other fraud raw/cbi employees, their powerful fraud boyfriends working in government,agencies, especially from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay do not pay any online expenses, yet are allowed to fake domain ownership and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor
The fact that the cheater raw/cbi employees like kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife cbi employee naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree do not pay expenses can be easily proved checking their bank records linked to their PAN number, though shameless sindhi scammers/greedy goans are always falsely claiming to own the bank account of the single woman engineer.

It is an indication of the high levels of corruption, financial fraud in raw/cbi that this massive financial fraud has continued for more 14 years without being questioned, with the LIAR raw/cbi employees criminally defaming the real domain investor, single woman engineer to cover the financial fraud

CIA, MI6 stooge GREEDY gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel continues her online, financial fraud

Though the SHAMELESS thane greedy gujju domain fraudster stock trader raw employee amita patel has a net worth of more than Rs 100 crores she is an extremely shameless ruthless cheater refusing to open her own bank account, purchase domains legally and looting a single woman engineer of Rs 15 lakh annually since 2013.
Instead with the help of her fraud husband, fraud boyfriends like puneet, tushar parekh from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, top tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, greedy gujju officials/leaders, mi6 , cia , thane greedy gujju domain fraudster stock trader raw employee amita patel continues to run a massive EXTORTION racket on a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor, making fake allegations without any proof and then falsely claiming to own this and other domains, bank account of the single woman engineer to get a monthly government salary , great powers
The single woman engineer is desperately trying to sell the domains, yet due to the dishonesty of bhandari/obc leaders/officials like CHEATER chodankar/naik only interested in rewarding in promoting rewarding CALL GIRLS like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan who is faking domain ownership offering SEX BRIBES to brahmin top government employees, the shameless greedy gujju frauds like thane greedy gujju domain fraudster stock trader raw employee amita patel are able to continue with their online, financial fraud since 2013, without being questioned

To cover up government job for SEX racket, government agencies getting websites of real domain investor blocked worldwide

Though the SHAMELESS GREEDY LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER pune axe bank manager raw employee nikhil premchandani has been working full time as a bank manager in pune for more than one year 5 months, being extremely SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD, pune axe bank manager raw employee nikhil premchandani refuses to open his own bank account legally or purchase the domains including this one which he falsely claims to own to get a monthly government salary
Instead in a major government job for SEX racket, the SHAMELESS GREEDY LIAR pune sindhi scammer axe bank manager raw employee nikhil premchandani relies on his school dropout mother naina premchandani to offer SEX BRIBES to some of the most powerful indian government employees who naina has seduced and controls like parmar, nikhil shah, tushar parekh, puneet from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, and after enjoying naina’s SEX BRIBES the SHAMELESS LIAR top government employees are abusing their powers to make fake claims about their sindhi sex queen naina premchandani, her scammer sons nikhil, karan, to get them no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector
The sindhi scammer family of pune banking fraudster axe bank manager raw employee nikhil premchandani is openly criminally defaming a hardworking single woman engineer, making fake allegations without any proof,to ruin her reputation, so that they can rob her data and fake domain, bank , online account ownership without being questioned in a case of government CYBERCRIME, SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD and get great powers, monthly government salary at her expense.
The linkedin profile of pune sindhi scammer axe bank manager raw employee nikhil premchandani shows that he is a full time employee of a reputed private bank, and does not do any computer work at all, does not pay expenses, yet exposing the government, tech and internet sector fraud of rewarding CYBERCRIMINALS the sindhi scammer family continues to get a monthly government salary only for FAKING domain ownership, bank, online account, computer work.
Now to cover up the government job for SEX racket, that the indian government, raw/cbi are making fake claims about pune axe bank manager raw employee nikhil premchandani, his fraud brother karan, school dropout mother naina premchandani, originally from kolhapur only because naina offers SEX BRIBES to top indian government employees, now indian government agencies are getting the websites blocked worldwide, reducing the page views and CPM advertising revenues.

LIAR haryana government running india’s greatest ONLINE,work at home FRAUD to get gurugram’s top CHEATER mba ruchita kinge monthly raw salary

The SHAMELESS LIAR haryana government is aware that gurugram’s top CHEATER mba raw employee ruchita kinge,optum human resources manager has studied in dyal singh college karnal, has worked as an employee in vinove, niit, deloitte, conduent , optum, and like indore cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena and other raw/cbi employees FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay has no online income and does not invest money in domains

The SHAMELESS LIAR haryana government is also aware that gurugram’s top CHEATER mba raw employee ruchita kinge has mainly lived in north india,karnal,gurugram, national capital region all her life, yet showing how indian states like goa,karnataka, gujarat, madhya pradesh, haryana are openly targetting older single women professionals for financial fraud, government SLAVERY, the SHAMELESS LIAR haryana government is FALSELY CLAIMING that gurugram’s top CHEATER mba raw employee ruchita kinge who did not answer JEE has the resume, savings, owns the bank account, domains including this one of a single woman engineer, domain investor working at home, to get gurugram’s top CHEATER mba raw employee ruchita kinge great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer since 2012.
The domains are always available for sale, and though gurugram’s top CHEATER mba raw employee ruchita kinge has plenty of money to go on RS 21000/day luxury hotel holidays every month, the greedy cheater ruchita kinge refuses to pay even Rs 1000 and legally purchase domains, instead relying on the
SHAMELESS LIAR haryana government to continue running india’s greatest ONLINE,work at home FRAUD
Additionally gurugram’S top CHEATER mba ruchita kinge like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, goan bhandari sunaina chodan other fraud raw/cbi employees refuses to legally open her own paypal/bank account, falsely claims to own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer who she and the cheater liar haryana officials/leaders criminally defame.
To cover up the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, gurugram’S top CHEATER mba ruchita kinge and her associates are spreading fake rumors that her powerful LIAR boyfriends puneet, arya, verma, sumit, vikas, others from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, who do not pay expenses, hate the single woman engineer, own the domains, when the government employees have never paid any money for the domains or other expenses
It is an indication of widespread CHEATING, FINANCIAL FRAUD that the indian government refuses to end the work at home, financial fraud

raw allegedly DUPING hindustan ?imes with fake stories about bengaluru’s top CHEATER housewife raw employee nayanshree, only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband

The reason the domain investor is forced is forced to waste her time daily is because LIAR indian government agencies raw/cbi are making fake claims about their goan CALL GIRL, sindhi school dropout, cheater housewife and other fraud employees after CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her so that they can ROB her data and make claims about their lazy greedy cheater employees who do not do any computer work, do not invest money in domains

One of the top beneficiaries of the massive government SLAVERY, financial online fraud is bengaluru’s top CHEATER housewife raw employee nayanshree, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars collge of arts & science kundapura , only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband tata power employee guruprasad, 200, MIT, Manipal, yet getting a monthly government salary for FAKING writing work including this article since 2010
In a case of human rights abuses, denial of fundamental rights, especially the right to equality, the LIAR government agencies are ROBBING all the data of a hardworking older single woman engineer, spending her time writing to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees like nayanshree, goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro who do not spend any time writing to waste indian taxpayer money paying monthly salaries, while the real writer is criminally defamed and is making great losses because of the government SLAVERY, financial fraud since 2010
The indian government agencies are allegedly repeating the lies of top brahmin government employees especially from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, j srinivasan,puneet j who hate their female classmate, criminally defame her, and are ROBBING all her data to make fake claims about bengaluru’s top CHEATER housewife raw employee nayanshree to get a no work no investment government job for cheater nayanshree and career help from the powerful shivalli brahmins hathwar, kodancha for themselves as part of the RESUME ROBBERY DEAL

though the LIAR indian government agencies raw/cbi are very powerful, the mainstream media, companies, countries and people worldwide should be aware that raw/cbi employees are not associated with this and other websites, nayanshree has refused to reply since 2012, though she is getting a monthly government salary since 2012 for faking bank account, domain ownership, writing work.

8 ex-Indian navy employees sentenced to death in Qatar allegedly for spying for Israel

The mainstream media all carried the news of how 8 ex-navy employees sentenced to death in Qatar. While Times of India, Hindustan Times, Indian Express newspaper headlines mentioned that the ex-navy employees were sentenced to death, they did not specify the reason for the death sentence, saying that it was not disclosed.
Free Press Journal headlined the news and claimed that they were sentenced for allegedly spying for Israel, while Mint also mentioned that a report in Print indicated that they were arrested and sentenced for spying for Israel.
The media mentioned that the ex-navy staff was rated very highly professionally and people they know are shocked at the death sentence. These ex-navy staff were allegedly working on a secret project for the qatar defence forces.

Indian government agencies continue to DUPE mainstream media with fake stories about bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree

The reason the domain investor is forced is forced to waste her time daily is because LIAR indian government agencies raw/cbi are making fake claims about their goan CALL GIRL, sindhi school dropout, cheater housewife and other fraud employees after CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her so that they can ROB her data and make claims about their lazy greedy cheater employees who do not do any computer work, do not invest money in domains

One of the top beneficiaries of the massive government SLAVERY, financial online fraud is bengaluru’s top CHEATER housewife raw employee nayanshree, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars collge of arts & science kundapura , only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband tata power employee guruprasad, 200, MIT, Manipal, yet getting a monthly government salary for FAKING writing work including this article since 2010
In a case of human rights abuses, denial of fundamental rights, especially the right to equality, the LIAR government agencies are ROBBING all the data of a hardworking older single woman engineer, spending her time writing to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees like nayanshree, goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro who do not spend any time writing to waste indian taxpayer money paying monthly salaries, while the real writer is criminally defamed and is making great losses because of the government SLAVERY, financial fraud since 2010
The indian government agencies are allegedly repeating the lies of top brahmin government employees especially from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, j srinivasan,puneet j who hate their female classmate, criminally defame her, and are ROBBING all her data to make fake claims about bengaluru’s top CHEATER housewife raw employee nayanshree to get a no work no investment government job for cheater nayanshree and career help from the powerful shivalli brahmins hathwar, kodancha for themselves as part of the RESUME ROBBERY DEAL

though the LIAR indian government agencies raw/cbi are very powerful, the mainstream media, companies, countries and people worldwide should be aware that raw/cbi employees are not associated with this and other websites, nayanshree has refused to reply since 2012, though she is getting a monthly government salary since 2012 for faking bank account, domain ownership, writing work.

LIAR R&AW/indian government employees refuse to admit that making FAKE claims about panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan/other fraud raw/cbi employees has destroyed its credibility worldwide

The domain investor is closely following the india-canada dispute because killing of nijjar is the latest in the long list of lies of indian government agencies raw/cbi especially online who are destroying the lives of harmless private citizens in india and causing great financial losses to them while making their lazy greedy fraud school dropout, call girl, housewife and other fraud employee very rich and powerful,DUPING countries, companies and people worldwide with fake stories about their lazy greedy cheater employees
Due to the LIAR raw/indian government agencies making FAKE CLAIMS about panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan/other fraud raw/cbi employees, domain investor making losses since the LIAR indian govermnment refuses to admit that panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan was hired only for providing SEX SERVICES to top indian government employees, especially j srinivasan from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay
R&AW/indian government thought that if panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan’s powerful LIAR relatives CHEATER chodankar, naik collaborated with dalit/other obc leaders/officials in destroying the reputation of the single woman engineer, goa 1989 jee topper, the endless frauds of panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan would not get detected
Instead the SHAMELESS LIAR indian government agencies are ROBBING the data of a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor since 2010 and then falsely claiming that their goan CALL GIRL, sindhi school dropout, housewife and other fraud raw/cbi employees,, accenture employee telugu trisha who do not pay for domains, do not do computer work are ONLINE EXPERTS,domain investors to give them great powers,monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, who is denied her fundamental rights especially the right to equality and is makingd great losses
It is very obvious that well paid greedy LIAR indian government employees are not paying for and not controlling the websites,yet LIAR indian government agencies continue to make fake claims about the panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan/other fraud raw/cbi employees destroying their own credibility in the process.