Poor resource utilization, inefficiency of intelligence agencies cause of violence in Kashmir

This post has been written mainly because of the insomnia caused by the regular MEMORY ROBBERY of the domain investor by NTRO in panaji, goa to ensure that their favorite SEX worker sunaina siddhi , cheater housewife riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, indore document robber veena, school dropout naina and other fraud raw/cbi employees get a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any work, without investing any money, falsely claiming to have the resume, savings, paypal, bank account of the domain investor.

The regular memory robbery of the domain investor by ntro does not take place automatically some resources are required for the robbery, some person is initiating or ordering the robbery, the robbed memory is then analysed by people, and then transfereed to the 10 google, tata sponsored, call girl, robber, school dropout fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 degree and others

Lawyers have indicated that 40-50 intelligence and security agency employees are involved in monitoring and harassing the harmless domain investor, engineer since 2010, for more than 9 years. Now indian intelligence agencies do not have infinite employees, they have only approximately 10000 employees . There are many other harmless indian citizens like the engineer who are also closely monitored by the indian intelligence agencies wasting resources, intelligence employees are spending their time monitoring the activities of these citizens.

So if a professional analysis of resource utilization of intelligence, security agencies is carried out, 50% of the intelligence employees are wasted monitoring innocent indian citizens against whom no proof has been found for many years, only because fraud companies like google, tata are interested in surveillance, to avoid paying salaries to these professionals like the engineer, domain investor. So only 5000 intelligence employees are monitoring a large country like india, with real problems, killings and violence in many states

In Kashmir, there are unlikely to be more than 1000 intelligence employees and these are likely to be overworked since there is lot of unrest. Yet the indian intelligence agencies are extremely incompetent, lack in professionalism, they refuse to acknowledge the fact that they are wasting resources monitoring harmless innocent citizens, like the domain investor, engineer and move the resources to more productive work, like monitoring Kashmir, where there is lot of violence.,

Till the indian government leaders refuse to ackowledge the fact that resources are wasted monitoring harmless citizens like the domain investor, engineer, and end the wastage, the intelligence agencies will never have the resources to end violence in places like Kashmir