I have been having a really good time, although I am ready to go back to work now. We spent about two weeks hiking in the mountains and doing all sorts of fun things. I do think that I am going to need to go see a Sacramento chiropractor now that I am back in the modern world. It is a long way from there to here, and in the mean time I have really wrecked my back so that I can not hardly get out of the bed in the morning. Of course it is not really from sleeping on the ground. We had a huge air mattress that we would put in the bottom of the tent and then we lay on top of it and our sleeping bags. It was too warm to need them to sleep inside, but we had a thin blanket that was about perfect.
In fact I may have hurt my back while we were trying to stay out of the way of a mama bear and her cubs. We saw one of the cubs first and that made us really nervous. If you do not know about bears, then you may not realize that the last thing you want to do is to find yourself in between a mother and her cubs. Since we did not know where the mother was, we were pretty concerned. This does not let you know where you are supposed to run. Actually you want to be careful about that. At any rate we were happy when we realized where she was and that we were probably not in any danger. Still we got our stuff and moved in the best direction that we could to get out of her way to a safe place. Then we caught some trout.