Google deserves the Rs 136 crore cci fine for its fraud of falsely associating sex workers, and other cheaters, with a google competitor to destroy her life.
One of the greatest frauds in goa is the Google,tata sponsored gsb crook housewife cbi employee panaji extortionist riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, who is falsely associating herself with google competitor to deny the google competitor, engineer the income and opportunities she deserved.
The engineer has never interacted with goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, and does not even know her contact details.,
However in one of the greatest online frauds in panaji,goa, ntro officials are falsely associating the goan gsb fraud extortionist with a single woman bhandari engineer who her powerful fraud relatives nayak, caro, mandrekar have viciously defamed without any legally valid proof. Her cunning shameless liar relatives are extremely vicious in defaming the engineer , with malicious fake rumors